Our Team.
It can't be done without a team and ours is one of the best!
Brooke helps to keep it all together and running. She facilitates classes, writes grants, and has her hat in a lot of rings.

Creative Director
Clayton is a direct link to our veteran program and has been with Rough Draft almost since the beginning. He writes curriculum and facilitates classes all while finishing his PhD.

Project Director
Aaron heads up The Personhood Project from tracking down amazing poets to hosting the podcast. As a poet himself and part of the TXST MFA program, he fits in perfect!

Audio Engineer
Alex rocks the audio world, literally. He handles all the recording, music, and mixing for all the podcasts. He's the master of all things audio.
Poetry Facilitator
Brian is a local poet with mad skills for getting the best lines out of his class. He is a content editor for the Porter House Review through TXST. And he faciliates the poetry classes like no other!

Right-hand Woman
If Erika can't handle it, no one can! She takes care of everything from the website to contacting facilities and everything in between.